The Plexus Groupe Insights

Plexus eBook excerpt: The need for a "Why Partner"

Written by Mike Wilkening | Nov 30, 2015 1:54:01 PM

The following is an excerpt from "Employer Reporting: The Perfect Storm," an eBook from The Plexus Groupe exploring the Affordable Care Act IRS compliance challenges faced by employers. To download the eBook, click here to be redirected to the Plexus Groupe's home page, where you can fill out our quick, simple eForm to be sent a PDF of the book.  
In this excerpt, author and ERISA attorney Jared Pope defines what a "Why Partner" is -- and why The Plexus Groupe fits the bill when it comes to compiling and preparing IRS Forms 1094 and 1095:

The limitations you face in regards to time, labor, and knowledge can be overwhelming when trying to comply with government mandates requiring an accurate, timely, and completely filled out [Form 1095-C]. The alternatives? Severe penalties, as well as the opportunity costs lost by trying to adhere to government demands utilizing only current personnel.

That’s why it is essential to have a “Why Partner” who can help your company’s HR department who is struggling to properly and accurately report and comply with the IRS and ACA.

A “Why Partner” is someone who understands the vision of your company and what you are trying to accomplish. It’s someone who can answer all the questions raised and can solve the challenges you face in trying to grow and prosper while still satisfying the government’s requirements for 1094 and 1095 reporting obligations.

In short, it’s the reason “why” you go to that partner. At Plexus, we understand your goals, can assist with the complexity and, in the end, be your “Why Partner."

The Plexus Groupe is providing filing, consulting and preparation services for IRS Forms 1094 and 1095. Contact us at 847.307.6100 (Chicago), 972-770-5010 (Dallas) or 405-241-9462 (Oklahoma City) to speak to a Plexus professional, or contact us via the Web.