The Plexus Groupe Insights

Five insurance-related stories to read, bookmark and share

Written by Mike Wilkening | Jul 11, 2016 9:24:27 AM

As the work week begins, here are five interesting insurance-related stories you'll want to read or set aside for the few quiet moments you're able to parcel out later this evening.
We also invite you to check out The Plexus Groupe's list of current career openings. You never know when the click of a mouse might open a door to a whole new realm of opportunities.

Onward to today's reading list:

-- Florida insurance companies are hopeful a law change could help them attract more millennial talent.

-- Why technology needs to be the insurance industry's friend, not foe.

-- Could Ireland attract some British insurers possibly looking to relocate post-Brexit?

-- When inheriting a home, it pays to make sure there is a homeowners insurance policy in place.

-- Auto insurance rates are rising; here's 10 tips to help battle this trend.