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Employee assistance programs: constructively addressing life stresses

Employee assistance programs (EAPs) are free, independent life assistance services offered by companies to their employees. An EAP can counsel employees on a wide range of life challenges, from caregiving issues to job stresses to substance abuse.
From an assistance standpoint, EAPs can be a first line of offense against issues affecting employee quality of life. For starters, EAPs can provide clinical expertise in a confidential setting. Then, EAPs can connect employees with experts who can help them address the issues that brought them to the EAP in the first place.

For companies, the appeal of an EAP should be obvious; some life issues are best addressed outside the workplace, and with the help of an independent third party with clinical training. According to statistics, every $1 spent by a company on EAP services can save a firm $4 in medical expenses.

The Plexus Groupe now offers EAP services through its OneLife EAP. The Plexus OneLife EAP is an external, broad-based plan available to companies locally and nationally.

In the case of a problem, the OneLife EAP can provide the following:

-- Immediate help in crisis situations.

-- Identification of the major issues and development of a plan to resolve them.

-- Problem resolution assistance.

-- Direct referral to best-available community resources.

-- Follow-up calls to assure continuous care.

Your employees are your most valuable resources; our OneLife EAP services can provide the effective, efficient intervention options they need. For more information, contact us at 405-840-0231. We also offer counseling services in Spanish.

For other employee benefits inquiries, contact a client service team member at 847-307-6100 (Deer Park, Ill.), 312-606-4800 (Chicago), 972-770-5010 (Dallas) or 405-840-3033 (Oklahoma City), or contact us via the web at
