The Plexus Groupe Insights

Outside vendors can keep employee wellness programs fit.

Written by Artoon | Nov 5, 2015 9:23:42 AM

It’s hard to refute the importance of employee wellness on availability and productivity, which is why employee wellness programs are increasing in popularity. As employers and insurers look to lower costs while promoting better health, employee wellness programs are critical in aiming to reduce some of the most chronic, common and costly of all health problems, such as obesity.
Although employee wellness programs are certainly capable of proving their worth in the short and long term, proper management of these plans is essential. Due to time and labor constraints, many companies are turning to outside vendors to oversee their employee wellness programs. And here’s where a good insurance broker can be a big help in the process. For starters, an assessment of what a company values in an employee wellness program is essential. This can take the form of a survey supplied by the broker, who then uses the results to find the plan and vendor who best fits the company.

Firms must be aware that employee wellness programs and vendors are not all alike. A little research and planning can go a long way. And keeping your employees in mind is a must. Given the wide variety of data collected by employee wellness programs, reviewing a wellness provider’s privacy policies is sound practice.

The Plexus Groupe partners with clients to educate employees and build an interwoven network trust to provide optimal employee benefit solutions. If you would like more information on finding the right employee wellness plan, visit us at or contact us at 847-307-6100 (Chicago), 972-770-5010 (Dallas) or 405-241-9462 (Oklahoma City).

Hancock, Jay. “Worker wellness programs put employee privacy at risk.” Kaiser Health News, CNN, October 2, 2015.

Bernard, Tara Siegel. “The Sticks and Carrots of Employee Wellness Programs.” The New York Times, October 31, 2015.

Bonauto, David K., Lu, Dayu, Fan, Z. Joyce. “Obesity Prevalence by Occupation in Washington State, Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System.” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Preventing Chronic Disease, Volume 11, January 9, 2014.