The Plexus Groupe Insights

It’s the march of the millennials: are your employee benefits ready?

Written by Artoon | Apr 14, 2016 12:00:40 AM

Millennials. The term gets bandied about at management level in companies across the world, the pressing question being: how do we connect with them?

Well, the issue of marketing to and connecting with millennials isn’t just something to be considered in the abstract. They’re here already — and by 2020, they will comprise close to 50 percent of the workforce, as digital strategy expert Gloria Burke recently noted, according to the Society for Human Resource Management.

For companies with a strong millennial presence, the question turns to benefits. Are these companies offering the benefits — perks and employee benefits — that millennials want? In today’s mobile world, a company’s enterprise now reaches out to the corner coffee shop or the home office. It’s any place where an employee feels comfortable and can access content quickly, easily, and whenever they need it. It's something that millennials look for when applying to and accepting job positions.

The flexibility to get their work done anytime, from anywhere, is something that's essentially appealing to this generation. Thanks in part to new technologies and the mobile revolution, a flexible work environment increases productivity by enabling millennial workers to get their jobs done without having to adhere to traditional workplace mentalities.

A Plexus Groupe professional can help you discover the best to attract millennials with the right employee benefits. Give us a call at 847.307.6100 (Chicago) or 972-770-5010 (Dallas/Oklahoma), or contact us via the Web at